Gastric sleeve surgery is a popular weight loss surgery that involves removing 75-85% of the stomach. The remaining stomach is shaped into a tube, or sleeve – hence the name. Gastric sleeve surgery is very effective for weight loss, but some people may experience weight regain over time.

A gastric sleeve with minimizer ring is a new type of weight loss surgery that combines gastric sleeve surgery with a device called a MiniMIZER RING. The MiniMIZER RING is a soft, silicone ring that is placed around the top of the sleeved stomach. The ring helps to prevent the stomach from stretching over time, which can reduce the risk of weight regain.

How does a gastric sleeve with MiniMIZER RING work?

A gastric sleeve with MiniMIZER RING works in two ways. First, it reduces the amount of food that you can eat at one time. Your new stomach is much smaller than your original stomach, so you will feel full after eating a smaller amount of food. Second, the MiniMIZER RING helps to prevent your stomach from stretching over time. This means that you will be able to maintain your weight loss in the long term.

What are the benefits of a gastric sleeve with MiniMIZER RING?

A gastric sleeve withMiniMIZER RING has many benefits, including:

  • Significant weight loss: Most people who have a gastric sleeve with MiniMIZER RING lose 70-75% of their excess weight within the first 12-24 months.
  • Reduced risk of weight regain: The MiniMIZER RING helps to prevent the stomach from stretching over time, which can reduce the risk of weight regain.
  • Improved health conditions: Gastric sleeve surgery can help to improve or resolve many health conditions related to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea.
  • Increased quality of life: Gastric sleeve surgery can help people to live healthier and more active lives. After surgery, many people find that they have more energy, less pain, and improved self-esteem.

What are the risks of a gastric sleeve with MiniMIZER RING?

Like any surgery, a gastric sleeve with MiniMIZER RING carries some risks. However, the overall risk of complications is relatively low. Some of the potential risks of a gastric sleeve with MiniMIZER RING include:

  • Same risks of Gastric Sleeve surgery

  • Complications from the MiniMizer Ring

    • such as slippage, erosion or infection
    • difficulty swallowing, vomiting or regurgitation
    • reflux and heartburn

Who is a good candidate for a gastric sleeve with MiniMIZER RING?

Gastric sleeve surgery with MiniMIZER RING is generally recommended for people who:

  • Are obese (have a BMI of 30 or higher)
  • Have severe obesity (have a BMI of 40 or higher)
  • Have serious health conditions related to obesity
  • Have tried and failed to lose weight with diet and exercise
  • Are at high risk for weight regain or concerned about possibility of weight regain
  • May benefit from higher degree of restriction than with a sleeve alone

What is the recovery process like after a gastric sleeve with MiniMIZER RING?

Most people stay in the hospital for 2-3 days after a gastric sleeve with MiniMIZER RING surgery. After surgery, you will need to follow a strict diet to allow your stomach to heal. You will start with a liquid diet and gradually move up to a solid diet over several weeks. You will also need to take vitamins and supplements to prevent nutritional deficiencies.

What is the long-term outlook after a gastric sleeve with MiniMIZER RING?

Gastric sleeve surgery with MiniMIZER RING is very effective weight loss surgery. Most people who have gastric sleeve surgery with MiniMIZER RING are able to lose significant weight and keep it off in the long term. MinMIZER RING has been shown in multiple studies to reduce weight regain in gastric sleeve patients. However all patients are informed that the MiniMIZER RING may need to be removed at some time in the future.

Additional information for non-medical readers
  • Gastric sleeve surgery with MiniMIZER RING is a relatively new procedure, so more research is needed to determine the long-term outcomes.
  • The MiniMIZER RING is made of medical-grade silicone, which is a safe and durable material.
  • The MiniMIZER RING is placed around the top of the stomach loosely, so you should not feel it.
  • It is possible to have the MiniMIZER RING removed if necessary, but this is minor surgery.

If you are considering gastric sleeve surgery with MiniMIZER RING, talk to your doctor to learn more about the risks and benefits of this procedure. They can help you to decide if gastric sleeve surgery with MiniMIZER RING is the right option for you.